Preparing for marriage

Congratulations. We’re so excited as you begin preparing for the ‘big day’.

Getting married is such a powerful promise to make to someone else. When Jesus was looking for a picture people could understand about how God loves us, he compared it to a strong marriage. It’s our absolute privilege therefore to be a part of your preparations, and to bless you on your wedding day.

There are some great national resources at Your Church Wedding if you’re thinking about whether getting married in a church is right for you, or are looking for ideas for your service.

Can I get married in West Cheltenham?

You can marry in a Church of England church if either of you;

  • has at any time lived in the parish for a period of at least 6 months, or

  • was baptised (christened) in the parish concerned, or

  • is confirmed and your confirmation was entered in the register of confirmations for a church or chapel in the parish (this will usually be the case if you were prepared for confirmation in the parish), or

  • have at any time regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church for a period of at least 6 months


  • That one of your parents, at any time after you were born has either:

    • lived in the parish for a period of at least 6 months, or

    • has regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church for a period of at least 6 months


  • That one of your parents or grandparents was married in the parish

If you’re not sure whether you live in the parish or not, you can check by visiting achurchnearyou and entering your postcode.

Banns of marriage

If you're getting married in a church outside our parish, but live within West Cheltenham, there is a legal requirement for you to contact us to arrange having your 'Banns of marriage' (your intention to marry) read.

If you need to have your banns read, please get in contact with the church office.

We will tell you which weeks your Banns are being read if you want to come along and hear them read. This is also a time where we take a moment in the service to pray for you in your preparations and your future married life together.

Get in touch to find out more

Contact the office on 01242 580022 or CLICK HERE