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NAVIGATE is your one stop shop for all things West Cheltenham Youth. Here you will find information about upcoming events, playlists of different Christian music to discover, resources and lots more to help you on your journey through life with Jesus. 

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A Question for you

How do you make the most of your summer?



Its only a few weeks until the summer holidays. 6 amazing weeks off to rest relax and enjoy the sunshine. You might end up going on holiday or spending time at the beach. But the big question on a lot of peoples minds is “how do I make the most of my summer”. So here are 3 tips to get the most out of your summer:

  • Go outside

    Its summer, its hot, there’s noting planned, nothing to do. The temptation can be to watch Instagram reels until the sun goes down. Or to sit in front of the tv watching re runs of friends. There is so much world to see outside your front door, so many amazing places to discover. There are parks, lakes, forests sea sides and so much more. Spending time outside is not just good for our bodies but its good for our minds and souls too. Nature helps us understand who God is.

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made,

Romans 1:20 a

  • Stop!

    Whilst there can be a temptation to do nothing over the holidays there can be a temptation to do to much. Rest is an important part of life. Having time to reflect, be still and recharge your mind and body are crucial. don’t fall into the trap this summer of overloading yourself. These 6 weeks are called a holiday for a reason. you could spend time relaxing in new ways, you could try Painting, drawing, cooking, woodwork, trying a new sport, make it your mission to find a new favourite song. There are loads of way to relax but just make sure you do.

  • Don’t forget to take Jesus with you

    Point 3 pretty much does what it says on the tin. Just because the routine has changed and new stuff is happening. Don’t forget about Jesus. He still loves and cares for you even in the holidays. Christians often talk about a relationship with God. A relationship is only healthy when you spend time with the other person, when you connect and talk with them. Don’t forget to spend time with God this holiday. You could pray, read a bit of your bible, find some great worship music from the playlists below and sing your praises to God. You could find a great talk, video or podcast from the resources below and discover something new about God. Whatever it is, Don’t take a holiday from God this summer.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Matthew 11: 28-30

Jesus said to them, `Come away with me. Let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for a while.'

Mark 6:31



Discover more about Prayer

3 amazing tips for prayer!!!!!

Why Pray??

Is the bible sexist?

Click the photo above to hear what Amy Orr Ewing (a major bible expert) has to say.

What do teenagers and young adults have to say about living life as a Christian. The amazing people from the way explore life honestly

Want to discover more about God, the bible and faith… look at the Bible project.

Check out this awesome spoken word by the bible society

Discover more about The bible

Want to know more about the bible as a whole? Watch this bible project video.

Want to get a bit deeper into the bible? Check out this bible project video.

Check This out …


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