Covid-19 (Coronavirus)
Updated 17/03/2020 - 20:30
A letter from the clergy.
Dear all,
It is with great sadness that we have received guidance that all forms of public worship must be suspended until further notice. We have reproduced below the guidance from our own diocesan Bishops, +Rachel and +Robert, which add a little more detail to the Archbishops’ earlier announcement.
As a clergy team we want to reassure everyone that we are here to support you in whatever way we can. As a start, we are each available on the telephone for anyone who is worried or concerned in any way, or who would like prayer over the phone. We will also look to put into place a support system that can also provide practical help, recognising that informal networks will probably be best placed to do this.
We also want to affirm the Archbishops’ comment that ‘our life is going to be less characterised by attendance at church on Sunday, and more characterised by the prayer and service we offer each day’. We want to embrace this fully. We want to explore and learn from each other how we might share in our mutual calling to be a ‘chosen people, a royal priesthood….a people for God’s own possession’ in these challenging circumstances.
We will work out how best to make our buildings available for prayer, and we particularly note the guidance given below: ‘what we hope will continue will be a simple pattern of prayer, which a few people might be able to share with you [the clergy], observing the physical distance recommendations. We will also work on how to stream a live or recorded ‘service’ on social media.
At this time we come before God, with our confidence in Christ as our Lord and Saviour, with the words of Julian of Norwich ‘all shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well’.
If you can offer practical helps in any way we would be delighted to hear from you, preferably by email please, as we continue to work out our response together.
With our ongoing love and prayers,
Rod Paterson, Sharon Walker, Tom Cook
West Cheltenham Parish Clergy Team
A message from Bishop Rachel and Bishop Robert
Latest guidance on Covid-19
Please note that as things are developing so quickly, we are committed to communicating regularly with you to update you on any advice, guidance and news.
Dear brothers and sisters,
The Archbishops have released a letter issuing new guidance for our worshipping communities in light of the most recent Coronavirus measures. The full letter and guidance can be read here.
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York are calling for Church of England churches to put public worship on hold and become a “different sort of church” in the coming months to face the challenge of coronavirus.
Our desire is that where possible, and in line with the guidelines, our church buildings will remain open and places of prayer. We will continue to be people of hope and confidence as we live a different pattern of prayer and worship.
Below we have set out the key guidance released today, and we have added some extra context, responding to the questions we are being asked -
Public worship will have to stop with immediate effect. Our usual pattern of Sunday services and other mid-week gatherings must be put on hold. What we hope will continue will be a simple pattern of prayer, which a few people might be able to share with you, observing the physical distance recommendations. In addition, we would encourage you to think of new and creative ways of praying with and for people. Resources can be found here. We look forward to hearing your ideas and stories.
Weddings and baptisms can take place, provided you follow all the national guidance and hygiene measures. BUT they can only be attended by a small number of people, who must be able to follow physical distancing guidelines. People need to remain two metres apart from each other.
Funerals – at present the same guidance as with weddings and baptisms applies to funerals. We expect further guidance on this over the next couple of days.
Non-essential face to face pastoral visits should be cancelled and changed to conversations over the phone/Skype etc. It is perfectly possible to pray with people over the phone.
All non-essential meetings, committees and boards should be cancelled. That includes PCCs, Chapters and Synods. We will be sharing further guidance and ideas around how good governance is continued during the coming weeks.
APCMs advice will be coming out in the next few days. We expect these to be postponed, but we will keep you updated. If yours is this weekend we suggest you postpone it.
Home groups etc – should be cancelled and could be done in a different way, using Facebook or Zoom etc.
Whilst no public services will happen this Mothering Sunday (22 March), we ask that you join in with the Archbishops' National Day of Prayer. Please light a candle at 7pm and put it in your window, ring someone who is isolated and vulnerable, stay in touch with one another, buy an extra item and place it in your local food bank.
It is crucial that amid the painful disruption of the coming weeks and months, while we rightly pay attention to the many practical issues and questions coming our way and the actions we must take, we place an even greater focus on how we care for one another and for our local communities. This is a time to share Christ’s love and hope with renewed confidence as we join in with the work of the kingdom of God.
This comes with our continued love, thanks and prayers.
Bishop Rachel and Bishop Robert